When using your favourite desktop apps make sure the features you use most often are always available by adding them to the Quick Access toolbar. Adding your most commonly used commands to Quick Access will save you time and clicks
The example below shows how to add commands to the quick access toolbar in Word but you can use the same technique in other apps including Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.
In this picture the Quick Access toolbar is circled in red.
Click the arrow to the right of the toolbar to add commands that Microsoft think are useful.
In the same menu you can also click More Commands, this opens a window that will allow you to add any command to the Quick Access toolbar.
In the box on the left click a command, then click the Add button.
The command moves over to the right.
Finally click OK to confirm your new settings.
Still can’t see the commands you want to add?
Above the left box click the heading Popular Commands here you can click the name of the tab you usually access the command from such as Page Layout or Review. Now all of the commands that belong to that tab are available to click and add.
In the example below I have added the Freeze Panes and Insert Image commands to my Excel desktop app.